We would like to introduce our company: CLEANHULL©-BiofilmFree© bv.
Our mission and slogan is "Biofilmfree with CLEANHULL© Ultrasonic transducers".

Since the nineties we have been fighting microbial film (biofilm) and marine fouling without using chemicals. Ultrasonic waves are much more efficient and ecological.
Moreover, the costs for maintenance are reduced to a minimum. We kill the biofilm and prevent the growth on vessels, offshore oil extraction, the deposits in industrial installations with circular water etc.

Cleanhull© sells and installs Harsonic® equipment for box coolers - plate coolers - heat exchangers, ship propellers, fuel and water tanks, hull and offshore.

www.cleanhull.eu info@cleanhull.eu +32 475 253 007 Belgium
Cleanhull© is the official dealer and installer of the original Harsonic® ultrasonic equipment on boxcoolers and pipes.
Harsonic® is the inventor of the biofilm killing, patented HS technology, and is the market leader in the professional marine segment.
Reference DEME Dredging
Reference Wagenborg Ferries
© 2020 BiofilmFree©-Cleanhull©